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Item Kits allow you to sell a group of items comprised of different component items without having to inventory the Kit itself.

You have the option to display the single Kit and pricing on your printed invoice or to display the Kit components with individual pricing. You can apply a percentage discount to the Kit, or you can discount or edit component item prices and the Kit price will be recalculated.

To create a Kit follow the steps below:

  1. Go into your Items List and choose the New button at the bottom of the Items List window.
  2. Assign the Kit an Item Number and an Item Name.
  3. In the lower left area check off “This is a Kit Item”.
  4. Once the item is assigned to be a Kit you will see the “Kit Details” tab at the top of the Item Information window.
  5. In the Kit Details tab you can add the component items that the Kit consists of. Click in the "Edit Kit" button to begin adding the component items that make up your Kit.
  6. You have options to discount each item individually and to set an overall Kit Discount %.
  7. There is an option to “Print Only the Kit Name on Forms” which if selected would cause your invoices to only display the name of the Kit and not the components on your printed invoices.
  8. When you are finished modifying the details of your Kit click the "Save Kit" button.

The component items of a Kit do not come out of inventory until the Kit is sold. To sell a Kit go into Enter Sales and make sure to choose an Item Layout. You can then choose to add the Kit to your sale just like any other item. Once the Kit is chosen it will show a list of the component items on the invoice. If your Kit has the setting “Print Only the Kit Name on Forms” selected it will still show the components listed on the invoice within AccountEdge, but when you print the invoice it will print the Kit name without the components.

Here is our YouTube video about using Kits:

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